Python and Product Support Python and Product Support

We offer commercial support for all our products, whether open-source or commercial, as well as general support for Python related programming.

If you have a support request and you're not sure whether we are the right contact for your request, please ask our support team.

Please note that we also offer general consulting services, including project management. For more information, please see our service pages or contact our sales team.

Yearly Support Contracts

For companies wishing to receive dedicated support, we have custom support contracts available, which are billed on a yearly basis.

These support contracts can be set up to provide any combination of the following service levels for our products:

  • guaranteed initial response time to support incidents
  • dedicated support email contact
  • dedicated support phone contact
  • including up to 5, 10 or 20 support incidents per year
  • including up to 5, 10 or 20 hours consulting time per year
  • one or more eGenix products
  • one or more customer contacts

Please contact our sales team for details and questions.

Per Incident: Support Tickets

In order to keep support administration simple, we use a system of support tickets to cover support incidents. Support tickets can be bought in our online shop and are valid for:

  • one incident
  • one year after purchase
  • at most one hour of consulting time

Should the incident require more consulting time, e.g. in order to port one of our products to a platform that you'd like to use or help you find a solution to a problem in your application, we require purchase of as many support tickets as needed to cover our invested consulting time. We will inform you in advance of our estimates regarding the total number of tickets required to complete the task.

Support Ticket Process

The process of requesting support using a support ticket is as follows:

  1. First, you purchase a support ticket from our online shop.
  2. You will then receive an email with a reference number for the purchase from our shop provider, e.g. #11992299
  3. You then write an email using a subject line mentioning the reference number and explaining your problem, e.g.

    Subject: Installing eGenix mx Base on IBM AIX (Support Ticket #11992299)

    We would like eGenix to install the eGenix mx Base distribution on one of our IBM AIX systems...

We will then contact you and help you solve the support request.

Login Support

In some cases it may be necessary to access one of your machines in order to help solve a problem or to e.g. port one of our products to a platform which we don't have access to.

For these situations we offer login support via secure shell (SSH). We will provide you with an SSH public key that needs to be installed on the target machine and give you our IP address so that you can configure your firewall to enable our login.

We also provide support via remote desktops such as VNC. Please let us know what kind of requirements you have and we'll try to accommodate.

On-site Support

Should your security policy require on-site support, we will have to manage this using a consulting agreement. Please see our consulting page for details.