eGenix has long been running a local user group meeting in Düsseldorf called Python Meeting Düsseldorf and we are using a Telegram group for most of our communication.
In the early days, the group worked well and we only had few spammers joining it, which we could well handle manually.
More recently, this has changed dramatically. We are seeing between 2-5 spam signups per day, often at night. Furthermore, the signups accounts are not always easy to spot as spammers, since they often come with profile images, descriptions, etc.
With the bot, we now have a more flexible way of dealing with the problem.
eGenix Antispam Bot for Telegram is open source licensed under the MIT license.
Please see the README file in the Github repository for documentation.
The bot can be downloaded from PyPI or cloned via the Github repository:
eGenix offers these support options:
Professional level support for this product as well as all other eGenix products and Python itself is available directly from the developers at offers professional consulting services for all questions and tasks around this product, including customized modifications, help with integration and on-site problem solving. Please contact for details.
In order for our users to keep in touch and be able to help themselves, we have created the egenix-users user mailing list.
Thanks go out to Dan for creating the wonderful pyrogram async TG package.
"Telegram" is a trademark of Telegram LLC.
Please see the change log for details regarding changes to the package between releases.
Older versions of the eGenix Antispam Bot for Telegram are available on PyPI and as tags in the repo.