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We use the following PGP/GPG keys for signing licenses and releases:
This key is used to sign our distribution files.
It has the key ID DDAE55FC389C508900FBE4036B44DC7083AE1C24
and fingerprint DDAE 55FC 389C 5089 00FB E403 6B44 DC70 83AE 1C24
You can easily install it from one of the available keyservers:
# gpg --recv-keysDDAE55FC389C508900FBE4036B44DC7083AE1C24
# gpg --fingerprintDDAE55FC389C508900FBE4036B44DC7083AE1C24
pub 4096R/83AE1C24 2013-02-07 Key fingerprint = DDAE 55FC 389C 5089 00FB E403 6B44 DC70 83AE 1C24 uid Releases <> sub 4096R/3C78AED5 2013-02-07
This key is used to sign our license files.
It has the key ID 2E1BD691A231E09BCEF5C9D5C79213DD8C25C2A2
and fingerprint
2E1B D691 A231 E09B CEF5 C9D5 C792 13DD 8C25 C2A2
You can easily install it from one of the available keyservers:
# gpg --recv-keys 2E1BD691A231E09BCEF5C9D5C79213DD8C25C2A2
# gpg --fingerprint 2E1BD691A231E09BCEF5C9D5C79213DD8C25C2A2
pub 1024D/8C25C2A2 2002-11-04
Key fingerprint = 2E1B D691 A231 E09B CEF5 C9D5 C792 13DD 8C25 C2A2
uid Licenses <>
sub 1024g/C6EE1589 2002-11-04
sub 2048R/9B9B7ED6 2013-02-07